As our campuses reopen amidst eased restrictions during the current global pandemic, several measures and guidelines were reviewed and are being implemented, related to (online) education quality, and related to campus health and safety. As we prepare for the start of the Fall Quarter, further updates will be shared on this page.
Our entire next academic year will be organized based on the following framework. This framework was developed based on the experience from the Spring and Summer Quarters of the 2019-2020 academic year, the preferences of our student community, and general best practices in higher education. The framework prioritizes campus-based teaching, but allows for immediate switching to virtual teaching and online courses whenever and wherever necessary. In order to achieve such flexibility, and to regulate the time on-campus, a certain number of courses across the campus network will be organized as online courses only.
More (detailed) information for each campus will be made available while we move closer to the start of the new academic year. Please connect with our Admissions Department to discuss your individual situation and preferences. Feel free to reach out to our Admissions Department via e-mail at, via WhatsApp or phone at +41442011222, or via LiveChat at the bottom right of this page.
We look forward to welcoming our students back in the Fall!
Starting dates
Students can (re)start in any Term. Refer to the Academic Calendar for details.
Travel restriction
Students who experience restrictions to travel to their campus of choice may start their studies with online courses, and continue on-campus in the following term once travel restrictions are lifted. Refer to your country’s Embassy nearest to your preferred campus, or to the local Ministry of Foreign Affairs. See the links near the bottom of this page.
Student visas
Students who experience delays in their student visa application or renewal may also start or restart their studies with online courses, similar to students who experience other travel restrictions.
Campus health
All campuses are cleaned thoroughly on a daily basis, emphasizing surfaces frequently touched. All main and branch campuses are also equipped with hand sanitizers and access control. Campus investments continue, with a priority for health-related items.
Mouth masks
Mouth masks are mandatory across the campus network, even when located in regions where there is no mouth mask requirement in public.
Social distancing
Social distancing is recommended across the campus network, and results in a local policy on class sizes, campus circulation and on-campus teaching time.
Class sizes
For online courses, our class sizes are aimed at 24 students, with a margin for late enrollments up to 30. For regular courses, taking into consideration the recommendation for social distancing, our class sizes vary across the campus network. Several campuses are equipped for typical class sizes with social distancing, while others are equipped only for smaller class sizes with social distancing.
Course planning
Because of our flexible study programs, multiple starting dates and professional digital platforms, we are fully prepared for unplanned or required changes in our course planning. Our setup allows us to shift between regular and online courses whenever and wherever necessary, for the safety of our academic community. Each Term, we can switch each campus or group individually between regular and online courses, and if need be, also continue regular courses virtually mid-Term. More information about the course planning is available for registered students.
The following options are available to our new and continuing students:
Option A: a 100% online course selection, organized the same was as during the Spring and Summer Quarters of the 2019 – 2020 academic year. This is an excellent option for students who are unable to travel (back) to campus, or who simply prefer interactive online education.
Option B: a blended course selection with a number of regular and/or blended courses, combined with a number of online courses. The online courses will be the same as for students choosing Option A. The percentage of campus-based and online courses will be different for each student depending on their selection, and be different at each campus depending on local restrictions. Students who started most recently will have priority for campus-based courses. This is an excellent option for students who wish to have a (though temporarily still limited) campus experience. In an effort to minimize exposure time to other students and faculty and team members, on-campus contact hours (cases and discussions) are limited – with the other part organized online (theory and concepts). We intend to shift more contact hours from an online format to a campus-based format as the local situation develops positively.
Team members
Our team members are available to students as normal, either on-campus with office hours, or virtually.
Campus visits
Our Admissions Advisors are available and ready to meet with you virtually, or on-campus upon appointment. Mouth masks are mandatory, and visits are limited to 1 hour.
Synchronous teaching happens in real-time and with face-to-face (virtual) communication and interaction between students and professors.
Regular courses are courses in a regular format with traditional campus-based teaching and learning in group, organized fully synchronously.
Hybrid courses are courses in a hybrid format with virtual and traditional teaching and learning in group, organized fully synchronously. Asynchronous teaching with non-interactive auditorium-style lectures does not fit our educational beliefs and is therefore not organized.
Online courses are courses in an online format with virtual teaching and learning in group only, organized fully synchronously. Asynchronous learning by self-study is available as an option, referred to as distance learning. Asynchronous teaching with non-interactive webinar-style lectures does not fit our educational beliefs and is therefore not organized.
Regular programs are programs whereby students traditionally attempt regular courses only. Our students can attempt courses across the campus network, as well as online.
Blended programs are programs whereby students mix regular, hybrid and online courses.
Online programs are programs whereby students traditionally attempt online courses only. Our students can also attempt regular courses across the campus , and blend their programs.