UIBS receives a Tier One MBA ranking, ranked 6th for Online MBA and 38th on EMBA in CEO Magazine’s 2021 Global MBA Rankings

We are proud to announce that CEO Magazine in 2021 ranked our MBA as a Tier One program globally, ranked our Online MBA 6th globally, and ranked our Executive MBA 38th globally. UIBS continues to rank among other top business schools from around the world.

CEO Magazine has been showcasing top business schools since it first launched in 2008. In 2012, the publication launched its annual Global MBA Rankings that profile MBA, Executive MBA, and Online MBA programs. This year, CEO Magazine reached out to business schools across North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and BRICS countries, and ranked data from 180 schools across 27 countries, offering 338 different programs.

CEO Magazine’s ranking system is entirely geared and weighted towards fact-based criteria, with the ultimate goal to cut through the noise and provide future students with a clear performance benchmark. Datapoints include, but are not limited to, quality of faculty, international diversity, international exposure, work experience, professional development, gender parity, class size, and delivery methods.

For more information, refer to the CEO Magazine website and the ranking overview.
