With great sadness we regret to inform you that Prof. Marc Van Gastel passed away on March 30, 2020 after suffering from continued heart problems. With Prof. Van Gastel, our school loses a highly professional and dedicated academic who was an inspiration to many students.
Prof. Van Gastel was an active professor at our campuses in Amsterdam, Antwerp and Brussels since 2008, and was a visiting professor in the years prior at our campus in Barcelona. His student evaluation scores were consistently among the highest recorded. In addition to his teaching activities at UIBS and other institutions, Prof. Van Gastel was a board member with his regional Chamber of Commerce (VOKA), was Director of Strategy and Innovation with Deloitte, and also became Head of Invest in 2011 with Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT), a Flemish government agency that facilitates investment projects in Flanders and that supports Flemish export companies.
On behalf of the entire UIBS community we offer our sincere condolences to his family and share in their grief. He will be missed dearly. Colleagues, students, friends and acquaintances who wish to express their condolences via UIBS, can do so via inmemoriamofmarcvangastel@faculty.uibs.org. All messages will be bundled and passed on to his family.