UIBS news

Introducing the new Amsterdam campus

Proud to announce the opening of our new satellite campus in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, our new undergraduate and graduate students were welcomed during the first week of the fall quarter in the current 2014 – 2015 academic year. Courses are organized in the Spaces Business Center at Herengracht 124-128 in the middle of the city

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UIBS launches Global Bachelor/BBA and Global Master/MBA programs, establishes extension program in New York, USA

From October 2014 onwards, undergraduate and graduate students will be able to enroll for (or switch to, for those who are enrolled already) the new Global Bachelor and Global Master programs. The Global Bachelor and Global Master programs consist of the same course requirements as those of the regular Bachelor and Master programs offered at

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Students from the Zurich Campus visit nuclear plant

On the 26th of February the students and campus coordinator of Campus Zurich visited the local nuclear plant in Böttstein, Switzerland. The visit started off with a tour through Axporama. Axporama is the visitor center and is staging the “Life with Energy” exhibition. With interactive exhibits spread across the room that invited our students to experiment

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2014 Graduation Ceremony to be organized at the Barcelona World Trade Center

The faculty and staff of the United International Business Schools organization (UIBS) are pleased to announce the Barcelona World Trade Center as the venue for the 2014 Graduation Ceremony. Students from all campuses, together with their family and friends, are cordially invited to attend the ceremony which will take place on Friday, June 27, 2014

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Professor Edgar Barroso from the Madrid campus publishes new book “There is Gold Inside You”

Together with his partner Kirstin O’ Donovan, Mr. Edgar Barroso published his first book: There is Gold inside You. The book takes you on a journey of self-discovery, skill development and value creation, leveraging all the latest market information, tools and opportunities at your disposal. It is everything you need to bring together everything you

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Students of the Zurich campus visit MIGROS Headquarters

The students of the Zurich campus together with the local Dean visited Migros headquarters, Switzerland’s largest retailing company. With more than 87.000 employees they are the biggest private employer in the country. The origin of the Migros names lies in the mixture of the two French words “demi” and “en gros”. Whilst receiving a very

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Supporting Room to Read

On October 17th, Dr. Helena Pleinert presented her book “Maja, Rahvi und Nalle in Afrika” at our Main Campus in Zurich at a small fundraising event sponsored by UIBS, to support Room to Read. Room to Read is a non-profit organization that seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in Africa and Asia

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Brandschenkestrasse, Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich campus to move to new premises

Coincidentally but conveniently located across the street from the school’s current campus, Brandschenkestrasse 38 will be the new home of our main campus in Zurich, Switzerland from the academic year 2013 -2014 onwards. Housed within a modern office building, the campus is located in the center of the city’s business district near the Dreikönigstrasse and Talstrasse with several tram

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Students from the Zurich campus visit Coca Cola

The Zurich Business School students recently visited one of the three Coca Cola plants in Switzerland. The plant in Dietlikon has been operating since 1963 and distributes classics such Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Light, Coca Cola Zero, Fanta, Fanta Zero, Sprite, Sprite Zero and Nestea in a range of packages. Our students were guided by representatives and

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UIBS achieves institutional certification from EduQua

The United International Business Schools organization (UIBS) is proud to announce the institutional certification by the Swiss EduQua label of its higher education and career development services offered at its main campus in Zurich, Switzerland. EduQua is the Swiss quality label that sets and reviews minimum quality criteria for further adult education. The six key quality criteria

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